Assalam Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu! :)
May the peace, mercy and blessings of Allah swt be upon you!
Daily Reminder 3:
How many times has it happened that you remember someone and they have no clue that you’re thinking about them? How many times has it occurred that you wanted to call someone but they aren’t available for you?
It is human nature that when we like someone, remember someone and long the company of someone, we wish that even they reciprocate to our feelings. But have you found any human being who can satisfy you in this respect? Think about it. Your friends? Family? Has it happened that each time you remembered them, showed them love and care, needed their support and they responded with similar emotions? No. But why?
Because they’re humans! Every human being is created weak. Even if they would want to remember you and spend time with you, they wouldn’t be able to because of their limited capacity. They’re bound by responsibilities which they cannot forego to be with you.
My next obvious question is, who do you think you should be remembering then? Ofcourse Allah! But why? Not me, Allah swt has answered it for you. Allah says in Surah Baqarah-verse 152,
“So remember me, I will remember you”.
Imagine, as soon as you remember Allah, Allah is thinking about YOU! Of the 7.2 billion people in this world, Allah is remembering you because you just made a dhikr of Allah! Subhan Allah what an honour!
And when Allah is telling His Angels about how you glorify Him and praise Him, He is calling you by your name, do you think there is any greater honour than that?! Do you know what that means?
What are your feelings for someone you love? You care for them, you’d want to protect them from all kinds of harm, when they’re upset, it breaks your heart too, you’d only want to get the best things for them, even though it may not be in your power to do so. But guess what? That’s what Allah feels for you when you remember Him. And He has the power to make those things happen, to give you the best, to protect you from all harm in this world and the Akhirah, protect you from The Hell Fire!
There are innumerable benefits of reciting dhikr of Allah. Allah also says in Surah Ra’d-verse 28,
“Verily in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest.”
You get sukoon in the remembrance of Allah.
Try it for yourself this Ramadan. Instead of engaging in talks that are of no benefit, make constant dhikr of Allah and experience the peace you’ll be at.
Verse of the Day:
Juz: 2
Surah: Al Baqarah
Verse: 255 [Ayatul Kursi]
Yes, we all know the benefits of Ayatul Kursi and we recite in our adhkaars of the morning and the evening, we recite it before we go to bed and our moms recite it for us before we leave the house but in spite of all this, I just had to pick this ayah! Because IT IS the “Ayat al Kursi”!
A Sahaba by the name Ubayy ibn Ka’b was one of the most knowledgeable companions about the Quran. So once the Prophet (saws) went to Ubayy ibn Ka’b (ra) and asked him, “O Ubayy, which ayah in the Quran is the most blessed ayah?” Ubayy (ra) out of modesty, replied, “Allah and His Messenger know best.” The Prophet (saws) insisted, “O Ubayy, what is the greatest ayah in the Quran?” So when Ubayy (ra) realised that the Prophet (saws) was seeking a response, he said, “Allahu la ilaha illa huwa al Hayyul al Qayyum…” and he recited the Ayatul Kursi.
[Sahih Bukhari]
First and foremost let’s answer this question. Why is Ayatul Kursi so important? It is but 1 ayah, 1/3rd of a page of the Quran. The Quran has about 6000+ verses, what makes this one verse stand out…?
It is because the verse deals with Allah swt, His Names and His Attributes! The most majestic and blessed verses in the Quran are the verses that talk about Allah swt because nothing is more grandiose and more beautiful to discuss than Allah. There is no topic that is worthy of being about talked about than Allah and His Praise!
That is why Surah Ikhlas is the greatest surah in the Quran because it is nothing but a praise and description of Allah’s might and majesty. That is why reciting Surah Ikhlas is equivalent to reciting 1/3rd of the Quran which is about 10 juz of the Quran!
According to a Hadith reported in Musnad Imam Ahmed, the Prophet (saws) has said,
“Whoever recites Ayatul Kursi after every Salah, the only thing preventing him entering Jannah is his own death.”
Tell me an easier way to get to Jannah than the recitation of Ayatul Kursi after every Fard Salah?
If you make the practice of reciting this great verse after every Salah a routine, you are already a person of Jannah and nothing can stop you from entering Jannah! Subhan Allah!
May Allah swt help us in following His commands, fulfilling our obligations towards Him, forgive our shortcomings that come in the way and help us reach the highest level of Jannah. Ameen.
Sunnah Challenge 3:
Ramadan is the time of the year where we get to taste many exquisite dishes which barely gets to the table during other days.
And it is during Ramadan that we find ourselves overindulging in food, filling ourselves to the brim during Iftaar. Because we hadn't eaten all day. And filling our stomachs again for suhoor. Because we need to withstand all day.
You promise yourself to keep a healthier diet from the next day, only to find that samosa stealing your sight (and your health too)!
Miqdam bin Madikarib said:
"I heard the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) say: ‘A human being fills no worse vessel than his stomach. It is sufficient for a human being to eat a few mouthfuls to keep his spine straight. But if he must (fill it), then one third of food, one third for drink and one third for air."
[Sunan Ibn Majah]
Eating moderately not only benefits us physically but it also impacts our spiritual self.
In the long term, moderate eating keeps the body in good health, and saves it from many lifestyle disorders such as obesity which cost a huge part of a person's life.
Keeping the portion in limited amount also helps us stay active and alert throughout the day!
Of what purpose would our fasts be if we overeat for Suhoor and Iftaar, only to find ourselves too drowsy to perform the Salah?
Not only do we find concentration and focus, abstaining from overeating also helps us spiritually by humbling us, keeping our hearts soft and closer to Allah swt.
So challenge yourself to stick to the one-third rule, and stay healthy from outside to within, In sha Allah!
Assalam Alaykum.
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